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Natalie-Boll_Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features

Production management & Producer


Natalie Boll’s journey in the arts began at The Langley Fine Arts School, where she majored in Dance. Her passion for the performing arts led her to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York for a short program and later to Capilano University for Acting and Film Studies. These experiences laid the foundation for her transition from performing to production management and producing.

As a production manager, Natalie led notable TV shows, including Food Network’s “World’s Weirdest Restaurant,” CMT’s “CMT Star,” and HGTV Canada’s “Urban Suburban.” Her directorial debut, “Maker of Monsters: The Extraordinary Life of Beau Dick,” received critical acclaim, winning the “Cultural Current” award at the Victoria Film Festival and earning an “Official Selection” at the Vancouver International Film Festival. The documentary enjoyed a national release through Cineplex theatres in Canada and is now featured on CBC and Amazon Prime.

Her work has been showcased at major film festivals like Sundance, Berlinale, and TIFF, highlighting her international recognition. An alumna of the Oxford Saïd Business School, Natalie blends her creative talents with strong business acumen, which has driven her success in the competitive entertainment industry.

Currently, Natalie is developing Tribela, a social media platform focused on safety and well-being. Her innovative spirit and dedication to impactful projects were recognized with Business in Vancouver’s Forty Under 40 award. Natalie’s career exemplifies versatility, creativity, and leadership in the arts and media industry, ensuring her influence continues to grow.

'Passion and Leadership in Creative Production'

Natalie-Boll_Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


Natalie, you have a rich background in the film industry, with award-winning projects like “Maker of Monsters.” How has your experience as a film producer influenced the development of Tribela?

My experience in the film industry has profoundly influenced the development of Tribela. Working in media has taught me the power of storytelling, and social media has become a primary platform for sharing these stories. We now consume more content on social media than traditional outlets like TV and theaters.

Additionally, the technical evolution in film and television has been immense. Starting with 35mm film and now using smartphones for production has shown me how to adapt to new technologies quickly. This constant need to keep up with technical advancements affects budgets, team dynamics, scheduling, and quality. As a production manager, I’ve managed large teams and budgets, skills that are essential in building and running a platform like Tribela. Managing a film production is similar to developing a platform, as both require assembling a team, overseeing a project, and delivering a final product.

Furthermore, my media work has involved extensive use of social media for marketing and promotion, giving me insights into effective strategies for engagement and user growth. These combined experiences have equipped me with the necessary tools to develop Tribela successfully.

What specific personal experiences motivated you to create a social media platform focused on user safety and well-being?

In 2018, my daughter was hospitalized after a period of intense bullying at school that extended online. Through her experience, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of cyberbullying and the lack of protections in place. During my research, I discovered that the “For You” feeds on her Instagram and TikTok channels were exacerbating her vulnerabilities, exposing her to self-harm and body image content that had drastic effects on her well-being. Instagram’s own research has now shown this was a known risk. By the time I became aware of the online harms she was experiencing, she had already begun self-harming. This led me to start a campaign advocating for better protections, and I was personally very upset by the platforms’ lack of care, leading me to eventually go off most social media platforms myself.

While I could physically remove her from the school environment to address the bullying, navigating the challenges of her smartphone use and taking it away proved much more complicated. I recently returned to social media, as leaving the platforms for the past six years had disconnected me from the world and caused me to lose connections I had spent years building. Despite my hopes that the platforms would implement policies to mitigate these harms, almost seven years later, the situation has worsened.

These experiences motivated me to map out how to build a safer space for our youth to connect. This inspired the creation of Tribela, a social media platform focused on user safety and well-being.

Tribela emphasizes ethical and transparent AI and algorithm development. Can you elaborate on the key principles and practices that guide your approach to AI?

During my research into the harms we see online, I uncovered a complex series of events contributing to these issues, largely stemming from the sophistication of current algorithms and how they operate. Existing social media platforms extract vast amounts of data from our online behaviors, allowing them to hyper-curate our feeds. These algorithms, lacking a moral compass, focus solely on capturing attention at all costs. Unfortunately, this often leads to the exploitation of our vulnerabilities, pushing harmful content such as emotionally charged or self-harming material. At Tribela, we decided to take a fundamentally different approach to algorithm development. Tribela prioritizes giving users control over their experience, ensuring they understand how their feeds are curated and allowing them to tailor their content according to their preferences. We are committed to ethical data collection and usage, respecting privacy and consent, and avoiding invasive practices. Our algorithms are designed with a strong focus on user well-being, and users have complete control over them. We believe in the importance of transparency and accountability in our AI practices, fostering trust and confidence in our platform. By adhering to these principles, Tribela aims to create a safer, more transparent, and user-centric social media platform dedicated to mitigating the harms seen on other platforms and fostering a healthier online environment.

Germany’s strong data privacy policies played a role in your decision to prototype Tribela there. How has the collaboration with a Heidelberg-based tech firm and Microsoft for Startups shaped the platform’s development?

Collaborating with a tech firm in Heidelberg for the technical development of Tribela has been a fantastic experience. Many people might shy away from using a technical development company, but much like in film, where service production companies are utilized, I can contract them for specific builds. This approach allows me to work with a team that has already proven to be professional, skilled, on budget, and on time. Assembling such a high-caliber team independently would be extremely challenging and costly if I had to hire full-time staff for every project.

Being a part of the Microsoft for Startups program has been immensely beneficial. The program provides access to Microsoft mentors, a comprehensive suite of development tools, numerous programs, and online education resources. This support has been invaluable for Tribela’s development, offering a solid foundation and ongoing assistance crucial for a startup.

You’ve been recognized with numerous accolades, including Vancouver’s 40 Under 40 award. How do these achievements impact your work ethic and vision for Tribela?

Working on Tribela, I am driven by a deep passion to realize my vision for a safer social media platform. Despite being told that my goal is overly ambitious or that the odds of success are incredibly slim, I draw strength from my career achievements. These accolades, like Vancouver’s 40 Under 40 award, serve as reminders that I can achieve great things if I stay true to my goals and keep moving forward. They bolster my confidence, especially when self-doubt creeps in.

I believe in listening to guidance and advice from mentors and peers with an open mind and heart. However, it’s essential to follow my inner conviction and universal pull to make Tribela a reality. The accolades are external validations of my potential, reinforcing that I can accomplish what I set out to do, even when challenges arise.

The documentary “Net Positive” explores your journey in building Tribela and challenges within the social media industry. What are some of the most significant insights or revelations you hope to share with viewers through this documentary?

While many revelations are still to come, as we just started filming, I hope to shed light on the hidden mechanics of social media platforms and how they shape our experiences. Most people don’t understand the backend design and its influence, much like the hidden dangers of red dye in food until it was discovered to cause cancer. On the surface, we see images and posts from people worldwide, but we don’t see the engineering that keeps us engaged or how we are pushed into echo chambers.

Over time, tracking builds a comprehensive profile of our habits, interests, social connections, and even movements. This level of surveillance feels invasive and has deeper implications. By constantly analyzing behavior, companies can predict actions and tailor strategies to maximize engagement and profit. Hyper-targeted advertising is just the beginning; this data can influence opinions and change people’s thinking. For example, targeted ads can sway voters during elections by presenting information that aligns with their beliefs or exploits their fears.

This data collection leads to what is known as a filter bubble, where algorithms show content that aligns with existing beliefs while filtering out opposing viewpoints. This reinforcement limits exposure to diverse ideas, affecting how people view the world and make decisions. It’s worth pondering whether these platforms are truly facilitating democracy if algorithms curate reality, hiding important viewpoints and altering perceptions. If voices are suppressed by algorithms in feeds and no one sees them, is that truly free speech? If you’re allowed to say it but no one sees it, were you really allowed to say it in the first place? I believe diving into the design and implications of these platforms will provide the biggest shock and insight to viewers.

Congratulations on Tribela GmbH being recognized as one of the winners at ParentTech 2024! How does this recognition reflect Tribela’s mission, and what does it mean for the platform’s future?

I have recently pivoted the first release of Tribela to focus on students, so this recognition is incredibly meaningful. It shows that what we are building is well-received and that parents see the value in our mission. This acknowledgment reinforces the importance of creating a safer, more supportive online environment for our youth. It also provides a strong validation of our efforts and helps drive us forward, encouraging continued innovation and development for Tribela’s future. This recognition motivates us to keep striving to make a positive impact on the lives of students and their families.

You’re participating in the Hive Founders Investment Readiness Accelerator program. How has this experience enriched your entrepreneurial journey, particularly in the context of launching Tribela?

Participating in the Hive Founders Investment Readiness Accelerator program has been critical in building Tribela for many reasons. The program focuses on female founders and their unique challenges in building a startup, guiding you step by step through each building block needed to create an investment-ready company. Although I have had many businesses, the startup community is a whole new experience for me.

In the film industry, we budget a project from development right through to distribution. However, in the tech startup world, investors want you to break down the process into smaller, incremental stages. This approach was counterintuitive for me because I’m used to raising enough funds to see a project through to the end.

Moreover, I have found the tech industry even more male-dominated than the film industry. Getting accurate information and guidance has been challenging. I experienced ghosting for the first time and faced dismissive attitudes. One accelerator harshly criticized my business outline, claiming my vision was too ambitious and that I would lose all my money. Another program dismissed my business plan because it wasn’t profitable after one year, despite my 25 years of business experience and financial stability.

However, the Hive Founders program has been a breath of fresh air. Finally, I am receiving hard, practical advice from amazing women mentors who understand the industry and provide real mentorship. Instead of just dismissing aspects of my business plan, they have given honest advice and clarity on important business aspects of a startup. I feel genuinely supported and guided, which has been invaluable in my journey to launch Tribela successfully.

Your upcoming series “WasteWise” promotes a zero-waste lifestyle. What parallels do you see between the goals of “WasteWise” and Tribela in terms of promoting sustainability and ethical practices?

Both “WasteWise” and Tribela are grounded in the principle of doing no harm, whether to our fellow humans on social media or to our planet. They advocate for a more gentle, sustainable existence. At their core, both initiatives tackle critical and high-stakes issues. “WasteWise” aims to show our audience tangible solutions to reduce home waste, offering practical steps to make a difference. Similarly, Tribela addresses the challenges of social media, looking at the problems and finding solutions to create a safer, more ethical online environment. Ultimately, both projects strive to foster a more conscious and responsible way of living. I also envision a future where Tribela becomes a hub for content creators who align with these values, promoting sustainability and ethical practices through their work.

With your extensive experience across different industries, from real estate to restaurants, how do you manage to integrate these diverse insights into your work with Tribela and your other ventures?

Learning from diverse experiences brings valuable knowledge to each new project. When I look at Tribela and my other ventures, I recognize that at the end of the day, even when building something with a vision for positive impact, such as Tribela, it is crucial to approach it as a business. This is where my past business experiences come into play. I understand I will only reach the users I want for Tribela or viewers for “WasteWise” if I can build a sustainable business around them.

Building a sustainable business involves many variables, and the most important lessons I’ve learned are resilience, empathy, and adhering to guiding principles. Additionally, being realistic with projections and understanding what is achievable is key. My background in various industries has taught me to integrate these principles effectively, ensuring that each venture is impactful but also viable and sustainable.

Natalie-Boll_Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


Do you want to know more? You can find some projects below.

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