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Jazz Saxophonist

Justin Chart - Bio

Chart is a musician with something to say, and his intelligent, deeply-felt lyrics and soaring beautiful melodies combine to create tunes that touch the listener in a powerful way. His well-crafted rock and pop songs relate positive messages of hope and strength amidst times of turmoil and hardship, stressing the importance of love and spirit and remaining true to oneself above everything else.

Justin’s music has a freshness and originality to it that plants it firmly in the present, and yet reminds the listener of the depth of feeling and social relevance of influential music from earlier decades.

It is not easy to create music that effectively unites the powerful charge of unbridled energy with the tender emotions of the heart and soul, but Justin Chart is a unique artist with a rare talent for making magical music.

A native of Los Angeles, Justin is in love with his native city… and has proven it with, to date, six versions of Los Angeles the Song. It’s an upbeat love song to his city… one that resonates with many who view his videos on all platforms of social media… with well over 11 Million viewers on You Tube Justin Chart has written the Anthem for Los Angeles.

"There's Art in The Heart of Chart"


Justin Chart - Interview

When did you start to get interested in music?

Listening to my Mom sing opera around the house and listening to my Dads Jazz records with him. These wonderful influences have made me a Trailblazer of the New West Coast Free Jazz sound! Incorporating elements of Be Bop, Hard Bop, Swing and Cool Jazz

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

There’s Art in The Heart of Chart

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

Every part of music is a pleasure for me. Practicing 4 to 8 hours a day. Going to rehearsal and going to recording sessions. Laying down melodic and captivating solos with my band of brothers. Choosing my reeds and picking out my favorite mouthpiece. Playing my beautiful Saxophones, a true work of art.

Through them I create art, then turn this beautiful expression into the Jazz albums I share with you, in hopes they take you to a special place for a moment. If I can take you there I’m happy that I have reached you.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

Jazz, because it enables a sense of freedom with the “in the moment” melodies and phrases that occur, different each time, keeping the music alive. I especially love the interplay that can occur with musicians who are truly listening to each other at a deep level, listening and then responding and creating a soul connection together whether that’s with burning bebop lines or, in playing a soulful ballad.

Jazz combines creativity from the mind, heart, and the gut. It flourishes through structure and even more so through Non structure and uses melody and rhythm to bridge the musician’s creativity and the listener’s imagination.
It is unpredictable and it is never the same way every single time. I don’t even think it is possible to play any selection the same way two consecutive times. I really like the fact that it is that way. It definitely keeps my interest, because of it.

I thrive on the spontaneity with discipline it demands. I am thankful I have the ability to communicate so many stories through rhythm, textures and emotions. There is a freedom and a sense of exhilaration in Jazz that is not found in any other music. Jazz is about finding freedom and a personal voice within a structure, and that is what appeals to me most. I had a late start in jazz, it has invited me in with open arms.

I am a musician. I feel it is the highest order of expression, because it’s honest. The older I get and more deeper submerged into Jazz and all it’s sub genres I become, the more I fall into it’s all encompassing arms and it’s rhythms become my daily rhythms and help form and inform my routines. It is creative expression, freedom, community and humor. My house is a Jazz house. Jazz is the sound of freedom!

What does music mean to you?

I love jazz because it speaks to my soul and never disappoints. The complexity and the improv mean that I never hear the same cut on an album or live performance of a piece the same way twice and it works my mind, body and soul. To me, listening to good jazz is akin to a healing meditation!

I love jazz because of its ability to evoke such tremendous emotion… primarily joy!

I love jazz because as it is such an interesting style of music which involves improvisation, solos, the interaction between musicians.

I love jazz because… of its instant composing and rhythmic interesting character: jazz in all it’s different appearings is often able to enrich the very moment, the NOW. And that’s all we have, isn’t it?

Jazz is a reflection of life. It is intellectually challenging, rewarding, frustrating, invigorating, fun.. In my studio I have a quote from Confucius, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”. Jazz is a journey that never reaches an end point for any player. It just continues.

Jazz combines creativity from the mind, heart, and the gut. It flourishes through my truth and uses melody and rhythm to bridge the musician’s creativity and the listener’s imagination.

I love jazz because it’s an area of music where I am free to incorporate everything I’ve experienced in music, including multiple genres and global cultures, and creatively express myself as a composer and improviser. I play so much as do I express the various styles I’ve
absorbed in a way that is honest and personal. As a Multi – instrumentalist it means I cover a lot of different sounds, and as a composer it means I draw on a lot of different influences quite freely.

Who are your idols?

Charlie Parker, Sonny Stitt, Bill Evans, Art Tatum and Cannonball Adderley

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

Own an Exotic Car Repair shop

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

I feel you life is what you make it.
If you want to do something , you will create the opportunity to do so.
Opportunities are there, and always have been. You must reach out
for them and they will gladly welcome you.
Hope springs eternal.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
I am a musician. I feel it is the highest order of expression, because it’s honest.
The older I get and more deeper submerged into Jazz and all it’s sub genres I become, the more I fall into it’s all encompassing arms and it’s rhythms become my daily rhythms and help form and inform my routines.
It is creative expression, freedom, community and humor. My house is a Jazz house. Jazz is the sound of freedom!


Justin Chart - Projects

Do you want to know more about Justin Chart? You can find some projects below.