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Deborah Liss

Deborah-Liss Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features

Actor & Writer


Deborah Liss is a Brazilian-American actress and writer deeply passionate about the world of storytelling. From her earliest memories, She has been captivated by the magic of words and the power of the stage. She was born in Lages, a town in southern Brazil, and raised in Blumenau, two cities that the artist dearly loves.

With a profound connection to the English language from an early age, Deborah dreamed of making her mark in the world of acting and writing in Hollywood. This aspiration led her to pursue acting studies in Los Angeles, where fate brought her together with her husband, who shares the same artistic soul as Deborah. In 2015, the actor took the bold step of moving to the USA, an essential moment that set her dreams in motion.

However, life dealt its most heart-wrenching blow when her mother passed away in 2016. She carried the immense weight of guilt and sadness for not being there for her, losing sight of her purpose, and feeling trapped in a hopeless state. Yet, as the years passed, she came to believe that her mother’s energy guided her, placing the right people in her path. They reminded her of her purpose as an artist and helped Deborah break free from the self-imposed chains. The actor found comfort in writing scripts once again. She wrote a short film called “My Violet Energy” in memory of her mom Isabel, set to be produced next year as an animation. As she continued to create stories, “Catharsis” came along, a feature film in which she also plays the lead role, currently in post-production.

Without a doubt, art and the supportive people surrounding her saved the artist. She will forever be grateful for the transformative power of art. It truly has the ability to save lives, and she thinks that’s one of the biggest reasons why she has this deep passion for storytelling.

"If life were a canvas, I would be painting dreams"

Deborah-Liss Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


When did it all start?
As I often playfully say, I was born with this passion in my heart. My mom used to tell me that since the early age of 4, she would hear me playing by myself and speaking in an imaginary language. Every time she asked me what I was doing, my reply was always the same: “I’m giving an interview in English for my next movie…” And here I am actually, it’s beautiful when you truly believe in something and put energy into it, dreams come true!
If you were an advertisement, what would your slogan be?
If life were a canvas, I would be painting dreams
What does your career mean to you?
My career is like a reflection of my being. And art in all forms it’s like the air I breathe. Without it, a truly fulfilling life would be unimaginable. Every story that I create, and every character I embody becomes an extension of myself. My career isn’t just a path I walk, it’s the essence of my existence that allows me to live a life that’s truly meaningful especially when it brings joy to other people.
What is your main motivation?
My main motivation is the excitement of creating and sharing stories that resonate with people on a deep emotional level. Whether through acting or writing, I find immense fulfillment in touching hearts, provoking thought, and sparking conversations. The ability of storytelling to connect us, inspire us, and even heal us is what propels me forward in my artistic journey.
What is the part you enjoy the most? And the worst?
The part I enjoy the most, I think, is the process of diving into characters’ emotions and bringing them to life, whether through acting or writing stories. The connection between the story, the characters, and the viewers is truly magical to witness.

On the other hand, the most challenging aspect, for me, can be the rejections and uncertainties. I understand that they’re part of the industry and everyone’s journey, but being quite emotional, they sometimes affect me deeply. Additionally, as an indie filmmaker, managing finances and balancing multiple roles can prove to be quite challenging. However, I’ve come to realize that even the difficult parts have their own value, teaching me resilience and strengthening me in unexpected ways.
Who are your idols?
I think my only idols are my parents. But artistically, I draw inspiration from diverse creative minds that’ve left a beautiful mark on the industry, so it’s hard to keep this list short. Icons like Fernanda Montenegro and Carmen Miranda, two amazing humans and talented Brazilian actresses, have definitely inspired my career. Equally, I’m influenced by the greats of Old Hollywood, such as Vivien Leigh as an actress and Alfred Hitchcock as a writer who’ve shaped the art of storytelling. It’s really hard to name everyone who inspires my artistic vein.
In case you need a break in your career, what else would you like to do?
I hope that this will never happen, but if it does, it will definitely be something else that is still connected with art. Whether it’s exploring a new avenue of creativity, mentoring aspiring artists, or contributing to the industry in a different way.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
There are absolutely more opportunities. The landscape for new artists has definitely shifted. Nowadays, there’s an abundance of opportunities thanks to digital platforms and the global reach of the entertainment industry. The rise of streaming services and independent productions has created more space for diverse stories and voices, which is fantastic. And remember, amidst this expansion, it’s essential to keep in mind the importance of maintaining the highest quality in your storytelling.
What would your idyllic life be like?
In my ideal life, I’d strike a perfect balance between my artistic pursuits as an actress and writer, immersed in diverse cultures and experiences to draw more inspiration to create meaningful stories. Beyond work, cultivating healthy relationships, travel, and personal growth would be part of my everyday life. It’s about finding happiness in every moment, leaving a positive impact, and continually evolving as both an artist and as a person.
What are your next projects?
Exciting projects are on the horizon for me! We’ve just wrapped post-production on the horror short film “The Baby Seeker” and will soon enter the film festival circuit. “Catharsis,” our psychological drama and feature film is also nearing its post-production completion, and we’re looking forward to sharing it through festivals by the end of this year. My book “Diary of Madness” is set to launch in August 2024 with WeBook Publishing. On top of that, I’m wrapping up another screenplay titled “Child Star” that will be in pre-production next year.

I’m so excited and I can’t wait to share these projects with everyone!
Deborah-Liss Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


Do you want to know more? You can find some projects below.

Spotify Playlist