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Chriss Sax - Bio

ChrissSax is a Polish saxophonist who performs both in Poland and around the world. She has already performed in around twenty countries including China, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Morocco and the Maldives. ChrissSax earned a master’s degree from the Krakow Academy of Music. Today she plays pop, jazz, funky and club music, developing her career in music bands and as a soloist in her own saxophone show.

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"Every show is an opportunity to make someone happy"

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Chriss Sax - Interview

How many years have you been playing saxophone?

I’ve been playing saxophone for sixteen years. Wow… so I play for most of my life… I started my musical adventure with a piano and then changed my main instrument to saxophone. Piano is my second big love.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Every show is an opportunity to make someone happy

Which is the part you enjoy the most about playing music?

Practicing. I will never know all about music. Nobody  will. Learning music is a whole life trip that will never end. I know it may sound a bit horrified, but when you really love music you just enjoy this trip. And the second part is performing. That moment when people look at me for the first time and listen to the first sounds. They don’t know what to expect and I’m trying my best to make their celebration unforgettable. I love when audience becomes my friend and we have fun together on a dance floor. Or just all that moments when I can see smiles on people’s faces. Then I know my work matters and I go ahead.

What does music mean to you?

I don’t know who is the author of this words but I’ll repeat it: music is my religion.

If you didn’t like playing saxophone what would you like to do?

I would like to work in Green Peace.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… Which aspects has your art helped you?

I agree with this. For me, my work is the cure for all injuries. Feel sad? Force yourself to go practice. Working hard is my key. That’s what I learned about myself.

Which is you favourite place or moment to play saxophone?

I don’t have an only one. Every place is important and different. But I will never forget a concert on New Year Eve in Marrakesh, when I met my favourite French actress Marion Cotilard, she hugged me and wished all the best. I was very excited so it was hard to play, haha. Or when I got lost in Hong Kong without internet or phone connection just a couple of hours before the show. Also a traditional Indian wedding in Bangkok where I was invited to play. Or my last show in Egypt with a view on Giza Pyramids. Thanks to the saxophone my life is full of stories.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

I would like to be motivated and, despite all the worries and problems, never lose sight of the positive part of my profession.

Nowadays we live in the “LIKE” era. Do you think that people give more importance to the number of followers than the Art per se?

Yes and no at the same time. People can follow a profile for a moment if it’s popular, but when it isn’t interesting or valuable, they will easily unfollow and forget it. But some people don’t have their own opinion and just go like the rest. It’s sad.

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Chriss Sax - Projects

Do you want to know more about Chriss Sax? You can find some of her projects below.