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Giselle Stouns - Bio

Giselle Stouns is International pianist with a huge range of repertoire, experienced playing on Vip Events and projects. She became pianist for Luxury brand Cartier in 2021, where her performance was  at the top of Burj al Arab on a helipad. 

Her passion is music, which made her to be involved in many International Piano Competitions, master classes and projects. She graduated Moscow Conservatory, she became an awarded winner in International Piano Competition in France.

She started learning piano at age of 5, and at that moment she has got huge influence from her grandmother, she was an Opera singer. She was spending a lot of time with her and her childhood was full of art and creative atmosphere.

"Music is the language of your soul"

Giselle Stouns - Interview

When did you start to get interested in music?

I started learning piano at age of 5, and on that moment I got huge influence from my grandmother, she was an Opera singer. She was spending a lot of time with me and my childhood was involved in full of art and creative atmosphere.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Music is the language of your soul…
this is what you feel inside…
music is alive, music gives hope and strength to go forward.

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

For me personally the preparation for the performance is the most enjoyable part about music, to choose correct repertoire for upcoming event, select the dresses matching with the evening mood and get ready to go on the stage ,to make audience enjoy my live performance.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

Music makes my life very interesting and full feel with expressions. I think music can change the world.

What does music mean to you?

Music is a mirror of my personality, expressions of myself. Music is an instrument of connection with the audience.

Who are your idols?

My first ideal was my Professor in Moscow Conservatory, Elisso Versaladze, she is a concert pianist and piano teacher, her professionalism and level of knowledge was so high that I was always feel motivation and love with music during all my life.

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

I would be Japanese diplomatic translator, because I was studying very hardly Japanese for Diplomatic level, but music took over.

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

I believe that real talented people and hard workers will always find themselves in carrier opportunity.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

I would dream about my own studio where i can be alone with myself with all my music instruments and equipments, to work on my music projects, recordings and new ideas.

Giselle Stouns - Projects

Do you want to know more about Giselle Stouns? You can find some projects below.