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Andy Gatenby on Artenzza Magazine cover – from unbeaten professional boxer to acclaimed screen actor, featuring exclusive interview on his transition to acting



Andy Gatenby is a former unbeaten professional boxer who has successfully transitioned into an accomplished screen actor. His remarkable journey from the boxing ring to the big screen highlights his unique versatility and determination. Gatenby is renowned for his intense performances and commanding on-screen presence, seamlessly blending his athletic background with his acting skills. This transition from a career in boxing to acting has set him apart in both industries, making him a standout figure recognized for his physical prowess and acting talent. Gatenby’s ability to excel in diverse fields speaks to his exceptional discipline, adaptability, and passion for storytelling.

"Cheeky, hard-working, go-getter: Unleashing passion and drive every day"

Andy Gatenby on Artenzza Magazine cover – from unbeaten professional boxer to acclaimed screen actor, featuring exclusive interview on his transition to acting


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When did it all start?
My acting journey began eight years ago; I was lost in life after retiring from professional boxing, and acting became the perfect substitute for everything I had put into boxing. Everything from boxing transitioned to acting perfectly, giving me a head start in the game. I already had a champion mindset, which instantly set me apart from many actors. I already had the work ethic, confidence and charisma instilled into me from my boxing career. I worked my socks off on my new craft and picked up the fundamentals as quickly as I could, continuously working away on my craft. I always want to be the best possible version of myself, so I push myself hard. For me, acting and life are just one big game, and I want to see how far I can go.
If you were an advertisement, what would your slogan be?
Cheeky, hard-working, go-getter: Unleashing passion and drive every day.
What does your career mean to you?
It means everything to me. It keeps me grounded and gives me a goal to chase. It gives me such a buzz from audition to set. After every audition, I daydream for days about landing the roles, and then when they come in, ahh man, that’s the best feeling in the world. And for that short period, nothing else in life can bring you down.
What is your main motivation?
Everything I want in life is there for me to grab with both hands. I feel like there has never been a better opportunity for a working-class man to excel and achieve great things. I’m a big believer that your past does not define your future, and I’m so excited to see how far I can go in this game. I’m chipping away week in and week out, and the compounding effect of that is success.
What is the part you enjoy the most? And the worst?
The best part is landing the jobs and having your agent call you to give you the best news and say you’ve booked the job. The worst part is when you get short-listed for a role or pencilled in for filming, and they decide to go with another actor; it feels like somebody has given you a punch to the stomach, and it never gets easier to take. But It’s inevitable in this game, and boxing has helped me massively with this, as I just take it on the chin, take a few days out, Then get my guard up and go back to work.
Who are your idols?
I look up to a lot of people and love to see them do well. I’m always looking to work with people who are in front of me because it’s the fastest way to get to where you want to be. Success leaves clues, and I’m fortunate to have many successful people in my circle whom I can learn from and take advice
In case you need a break in your career, what else would you like to do?
If people have a plan B, when plan A gets too tough, it’s an easy fix to try plan B. I don’t have a plan B, onl plan A. I don’t see myself pursuing anything else. I’m all in, and I don’t have any quit in me.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
It’s an extremely tough industry, and there are far too many actors for every job. So opportunities come and go, but at the same time, most auditions are via self-tapes. This gives everyone a fantastic chance to get seen for films/TV series that a few years ago wouldn’t have been possible. I’ve personally found that you have to treat acting like a business, and if you don’t have a good business development plan, you will struggle. You have to keep pushing forward.
What would your idyllic life be like?
I don’t know, haha. I love the hustle and bustle of life. If it were too idyllic, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.
What are your next projects?
Next, I’m in a film called Sunray, which has been picked up by Vertigo Films and is due to have a significant international release soon. I’m also shortlisted for a massive role in a big film, but we will have to wait to see how this one pans out.
Andy Gatenby on Artenzza Magazine cover – from unbeaten professional boxer to acclaimed screen actor, featuring exclusive interview on his transition to acting


Do you want to know more? You can find some projects below.