Brett Donahue

Actor, Filmmaker & Theatre Creator
Coming up next, Brett can be seen starring in the new original four-part movie event, The Love Club following the story of four women, each dealing with their own dating debacle. Other upcoming projects include the third season of the French-Canadian crime drama series, Portrait Robot, about a forensic sketch artist, who profiles suspects and victims for a Montreal police unit.

When did you start to get interested in acting?
I suppose it started during high school. I was very sports focused, but always elected to take drama courses when I could. At that time I think I was more attracted to the improv games; being witty and making people laugh.
It wasn’t until University where I started to take the idea of pursuing an education in theatre and performance more seriously. I think what really made the difference for me was that I was lucky enough to have people encourage me along the way. It really helped make the idea of becoming an actor seem like a viable direction for myself, and not just some fantasy. I think that kind of validation was so crucial to have, because I most likely would have talked myself out of it, if it was solely left to myself to drive the idea.
If you were an advertisement, what would your slogan be?
Haha wow…. It would be “Hey!! We’re all just making things up as we go. Enjoy your life.”
Which part do you enjoy most about acting?
I think it’s the interpersonal relationships I get to create while in the process of making the thing. How people all congregate to work together and build something of an experience that’s so temporary. There can be a real access to people when doing this and in the best situations it can be so satisfying.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal. In which aspects has your art helped you?
It’s certainly helped me become the person I am today. When trying to understand the motivations of character you really have to explore whatever reasons they may have to do what they do. It’s made me a more empathetic person for sure.
What does your art mean to you?
It’s an ever changing relationship. Sometimes it’s what defines me, it’s how I celebrate myself, or how others celebrate me. Sometimes it’s the source of my dread. What I do, when I get to do it is a great gift, I’m lucky to have it. But for me, it also has to be treated as one part of me, and not all of me otherwise it becomes burdened with too much expectation and will ultimately disappoint.
Who are your idols?
There are too many people I could write down here….. So I won’t name any haha!
If you weren’t acting or performing, what would you be doing?
I think I would have liked going into architecture. Or if I really had the talent and rigor, a pianist.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new actors? Why?
Well I’ve been doing this for ten years now, so I can’t comment on what it’s like being “new” haha. But I don’t think it’s necessarily harder. I think there are so many more ways to get your creativity seen. That coupled with new technology makes creating decent looking stuff more accessible than ever. But I think getting people (producers / directors / networks) to invest in you, remains the same feat as it always has been. The focus on investing on what works and what’s known (people established / somewhat of a name) remains the same.
Ultimately there’s more opportunity, but also more people trying to acquire it. Starting out may be a bit easier in terms of access to promote yourself and your work, but maintaining a career in this industry is as hard as ever.
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
Basically being in a place where I get to choose the projects that I want to do and when. Being able to structure my career in such a way that I can approach the work I want to do have always been the goal.
Bouncing around to different cities, and working with people I admire, whose work I adore; that would be mighty fine.
Tell us about your upcoming projects
I have two films releasing right now. Luckless in Love on UpTv and The Love Club: Tara, on the W Network and Hallmark Channel. I’m also about to start shooting the third season of a Québécois crime thriller series called Portrait Robot, where I act in both English and French.

Do you want to know more? You can find some projects below.
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