Singer, Songwriter & Multi-Instrumentalist
Jennifer is a Welsh singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who’s based in Berlin.
Powerful, artistic, inspiring: Jennifer’s cross-over style is a mesmerising mix of her classical training and mainstream pop; her searing melodies drawn from personal experiences and boundless creative energy.
Over the last decade, Jennifer has performed at a number of prestigious venues around the world, including the Sydney Opera House, the Vienna Opera House and the Royal Albert Hall in London, where she worked as a fashion model for several years.
Trained as a concert pianist, Jennifer also plays guitar, violin and cello. She has worked in various orchestra settings. In mid-2019, Jennifer started an international women’s choir which raised money for homeless shelters across Berlin before the COVID lockdown forced the group to press pause on its demanding performance schedule.
Her passion for music stems from childhood, when, at the age of 4, she started singing and playing piano at churches in the South Welsh Valleys, where she was raised. She went on to study music and completed her exams with the Royal School of Music at 15.
Jennifer’s new EP ‘Anchor’ out tomorrow (August 26th) available to stream and download on all music platforms.
‘Anchor’ Spotify Song

‘Anchor’ EP Cover
"Celtic composer with a flair for the dramatic"

When did you start to get interested in music?
I started music around the age of 4, but truly discovered a love of composing in my early teens. I would just sit and play on my piano for hours making up new tunes and then I would go and do the same on other people’s pianos!
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
Celtic composer with a flair for the dramatic!
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
Definitely the fact that I can sit and work through any heartbreak or argument by banging away at a piano and singing the lyrics of the moment.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?
I am not sure it helps me to heal – it can surely open old wounds – but it helps in that there’s an outlet and you can let people know your pain and reach them. They’ve been through pain too and suddenly you’re connected.
What does music mean to you?
It is most meaningful to me because I can write music that is about my history. My Celtic roots. I always feel like I am reaching home when I write a new melody. Particularly with the pandemic and missing Wales, that has been amazing!
Who are your idols?
Enya for her mystique and remaining true to her roots. Alexis French for his heart wrenching melodies. Lindsey Stirling for her passion and creativity.
If you didn’t like music what would you do?
I’d go back to competitive chess or video gaming for sure. I miss them both.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
Definitely more! You can reach anyone through social media and you can collaborate with incredibly talented artists with a simple message!
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
It’s pretty close right now! I am happy to be in a city I love surrounded by the people I love. I would like to travel more, hear new kinds of music and inspiration. When the pandemic ends, that’s my plan!

Do you want to know more about Jennifer Juliette? You can find some projects below.