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Singer & Songwriter

Mickaël Parenteau - Bio

Mickael Parenteau is a French singer-songwriter. He has played the guitar for sixteen years now. He used to play in a teenage rock band, but today changed his electric guitar for his acoustic guitar. As a matter of fact, he particularly appreciates folk music. He is actually inspired by Jason Mraz, Elton John, Simon & Garfunkel, Santana and many more! He released his first self-produced album in 2015. During the quarantine, he took advantage of this lock-down : he wrote and recorded his new album with 12 brand new compositions! It’s out this summer and is available on all the streaming platforms. “Promises” appears as a new project, far more accomplished than his previous work but made with the same passion!

Mickaël Parenteau

"if you will, you can!"

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Mickaël Parenteau - Interview

When did you start to get interested in music?

Very early actually! My father has always listened to classical music, jazz, blues and rock’n’roll! I was raised by the sound of his millions of records : Beethoven, Miles Davis, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry, Santana and so many more! When I was a child, I had many toy instruments! At home, the radio was on all the time! I started playing the guitar at the age of 10. It was so obvious the do so! I really enjoyed it. I learnt the piano and the drums too. I’ve always wanted to be able to play many instruments. Today, music is part of my everyday life and I do believe it guides me all day through.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Be able to do everything in life : if you will, you can!

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

Music is my best friend in life. It is part of my memories. A song corresponds to a moment in my life and helps me remember it. What I enjoy the most is the fact that music follows my moods and feelings. Some times I need to listen to music to focus on specific activities or just to relax. Some other times, I need to play a song and sing out loud to express a feeling I can’t let out differently. Creating music is also a part I really love! I’ve started writing songs at 15 for my rock band.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

I think that music is the best way to go beyond my limits. I’ve learnt so much through music! Now I can fend for myself. I can record myself, I can do mixing and mastering. Music has built my personality and my character too : I’m persistant, curious and generous! I always surpass myself to create new things out of my head! Today, I’m learning how to do beat-making!

What does music mean to you?

Music is a way to share feelings. It can make people smile or even cry! Music is a magical way to pass on a mood. My music is about life, love, friendship and memories. When I play, I make sure the audience is getting my message and the atmosphere through the melodies and the harmony. That’s why I prefer playing guitar while I’m singing : I am at one with my instrument and my voice.

Who are your idols?

My idols are quite numerous! Blues guitar players made me start playing the guitar for sure, like Santana, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan… New singer-songwriters like Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, James Blunt, John Mayer or Ed Sheeran made me want to write songs! Other amazing artists like Elton John, the Beatles, Supertramp or Coldplay are among my idols too!

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

I think I would like to do photography. My father is a great photographer and his knowledge is amazing.

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

To me, there are more opportunities today for new artists. It’s easier to create your own record thanks to technological progress. The gear is also more available and affordable nowadays. On the other hand, as it’s easier for everyone, it’s quite difficult to be famous today : there are millions of new artists everyday! I guess that’s a good thing because everyone can express themselves! Thanks to this, I’m one of these artists today!

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

I think that a musician loves performing, so live concerts would give my idyllic life its tempo. I’m so happy on stage! It’s the reason why I compose and write songs. Meeting my idols would be awesome too…and why not singing a duet with one of them..!

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Mickaël Parenteau - Projects

Do you want to know more about Mickaël Parenteau? You can find some projects below.

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