Naty Jane - Bio
Naty Jane is a professional singer and voice teacher. She created the musical groups “Naty Jane”. Surrounded by professional musicians, they brilliantly cover the greatest known hits and perform in all kinds of events. Weddings, various dinners, galas, festivals, etc …

"With Naty Jane musical groups, anything is possible!"

Naty Jane - Interview
When did you start to get interested in music?
At the age of 6, I started playing the piano and it was when I was 11 that I discovered my voice … Since then I have been working hard to make my dreams come true.
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
With Naty Jane musical groups, anything is possible!
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
I like the first kick of the bass drum announcing a magnificent concert. I like the feeling of being on stage and knowing that I’m going to live an extraordinary moment, I like contact with the public, hearing them sing, applaud … And I also like to teach my passion, to transmit my energy and share beautiful musical moments.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?
At every stage of my life… For me, music is the best therapy. It is the heartbeat of my heart, the breath of my life, without it I certainly would not be the person I am today. I know where I’m going with the music and it’s an incredible opportunity.
What does music mean to you?
Everything… She has always lived in me, she is part of me. I am passionate and I forged my character through her. Learn, always learn, try to do better every time, work hard… It also means sharing, friendship and I think that she is part of the human being in its entirety and that he will never be able to do without it, no matter what. The music? She is extraordinary…
Who are your idols?
I listen to a lot of different music … I grew up with Bon Jovi in my ears and I always told myself that one day I would do a duet with him. On the other hand, to this day, I listen to more funk because with my musicians, we work a quite groove repertoire and this music teaches me a lot of things …
If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?
Good question … Dance, painting, photography …
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
Today, there are many more opportunities and facilities to make themselves known through the platforms. However, before the Internet, accomplished artists stood out, now we hear everything… But it’s interesting… This is a new era for artists…
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
Getting up in the morning, drinking coffee in front of a beautiful sunrise and telling myself that all day long, I will be bathed in rehearsals, recordings and preparation for upcoming concerts… To be on stage as often as possible and to sing without wondering if I will be able to pay my bills at the end of the month… This is an idyllic life!

Naty Jane - Projects
Do you want to know more about Naty Jane? You can find some projects below.