Singer & Songwriter
Randy Beth is a singer and songwriter currently located in New York. She released her debut single “make a home” just a few weeks ago.
She has spent most of her life pursuing theatre but this past year she decided to take a leap and change course and she decided to fully pursue music. It’s been the most wonderful decision she has ever made.
"Keep Driving Forward"

When did you start to get interested in music?
I grew up doing musical theatre; I’ve known I wanted to pursue a career in performing since the moment I stood on the stage for the first time as a kid. I studied acting and theatre and truly believed that it was the path I’d travel down.
It wasn’t until the pandemic hit and my 2020 plans crumbled that I decided to purchase a small guitar as a creative outlet to help me through a tough time. A few months into having the guitar I ended up writing my debut single and everything seemed to fall into place from there. I think songwriting and music has always been inside of me, I just needed to give myself the time to grab onto it.
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
Keep Driving Forward
My favorite performer of all time said those words to me at the lowest point of my life and I held onto them very tightly. I later had them tattooed onto my arm in her handwriting. It’s my own personal motto and constant reminder.
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
I love how personal it is. I spent a long time hiding behind characters. Music is much more intimate and vulnerable because there’s nothing to hide behind. These are my stories, this is my art. There’s nothing more rewarding to me than knowing that somebody could be listening to my music and connecting to a story that I’ve written in the same way that I’ve connected to the artists that I love most.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?
I truly believe that I’ve done the most healing since I began songwriting. It’s allowed me to dig deeper and reflect more than I ever have and I can just feel that growth. Writing about my own life, introducing these stories to melodies, collaborating with people I admire and trust…it’s been the most healing experience of my life so far. I feel like I finally found the thing that makes me the most me and I think that has been all I’ve ever wanted.
What does music mean to you?
For me music means everything. I’ve only released one song so far and I know I will only grow and evolve over time which means so will my art, but that feeling of tapping into parts of yourself that you’ve hidden away and reaching in to pull them out… Creating something beautiful from it… it’s an indescribable feeling that I want to hold onto.
Who are your idols?
Tatiana Maslany is a big one for me. She is an absolute force of a performer and has inspired me through my twenties to keep myself driven by my love for the art. She’s played a huge role in how determined I’ve been to continue pursuing what I love most in the world.
Musically I have to mention Bruce Springsteen. I was raised on his music and his stories and when I sit down to write I find myself thinking…”Hm..but would Bruce Springsteen approve of this…?”
My friends. As an adult I’ve developed some of the most meaningful relationships of my life. I’m surrounded by people who are pursuing their creative passions and nothing inspires me more than that. My friends are people who I admire deeply and people who I feel honored to collaborate and create with. I can’t think of anything better than getting to pursue your passions with the people you love most.
If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?
This questions makes me tense because I cannot imagine a world where I am unable to pursue art. There have been many times in my life where I’ve put it to the side for a bit but it never lasts long. It’s the driving force behind everything I do. If I did have to pursue something else it would maybe be in social media or doing something more behind the scenes.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
Definitely more! Being able to share my debut single across multiple different social media platforms was so incredibly helpful for me as an unknown artist who’s just starting out. I do feel very grateful to be pursuing music during a time where everything is much more accessible.
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
My dream is to get to a point where I can reach out to a larger audience. I think as an artist all I really want is to be able to support myself doing the thing I love most. I want to travel and share my music and stories with people who relate.
I want to collaborate with people I admire. When I envision my life as a musician I see myself writing and recording songs that I’ve poured my heart into, I see myself touring around and playing for crowds, I see myself collaborating on projects with other creatives. I see myself building something from the ground up and there’s nothing that excites me more than that.

Do you want to know more about Randy Beth? You can find some projects below.