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Rusanda Panfili - Bio

Rusanda Panfili is an international award winning violinist and considered one of the most prolific Romanian musicians. She is performing with artists such as Brian May, Hans Zimmer, Guthrie Govan, Valentina Nafornita, Tina Guo and Lisa Gerard. Since 2016, she has started working with Hans Zimmer, as a solo violinist in his world-touring orchestral shows – “Hans Zimmer Live” and “The World of Hans Zimmer”. In 2020 Rusanda released her first album, “Primul”, under her band project – “Panfili & Friends”, a crossover project between classical and folk. Rusanda plays a rare violin from the 17th century, created by G. P. Maggini which was loaned to her by a private Austrian foundation. 

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"Be brave, Stay creative"

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Rusanda Panfili - Interview

How many years have you been playing violin?

I’ve played violin for 26 years.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Be brave, stay creative.

What is your main inspiration when you are playing violin?

The music itself is a great source of inspiration – finding a reason behind the notes helps you connect with the composition and produce an authentic feeling. Another important factor is my then mood and state of mind – if I am happy, my interpretation might be playful, while if I’m melancholic, it could be more deep and emotional. Emotions will always play a huge part in the way I play the violin.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… Which aspects has music helped you?

I believe music helps you build a career and find a purpose, and this from a very young age. When most kids are outside, playing and having fun, most children musicians have to practice for never ending hours or join various music competitions. Even though it is hard-work and involves quite a few sacrifices, this dedication to music always gives you the strength to push forward.

Who are your idols?

My parents, for making bold decisions and being brave every step of the way. Thanks to them I am where I am. 

What does playing violin means to you? 

It means joy, freedom, passion and a constant reminder of the beauty in life. I am grateful to be a musician and have such a beautiful job, especially when I see the positive effect my music has on others it gives me tremendous joy. 

What would you say to all those people who say to artists “Don’t try it is not worth it?”

They should look deep down into their heart and do what they truly believe in. People come and go but eventually it’s your life and you have to make the best out of it! 

If you didn’t like playing violin what would you like to do?

Probably design clothing and paint. These are my biggest hobbies! 

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

Be able to play the violin for many many years, playing concerts with my favorite artists, compose music, play concerts around the world and touch peoples hearts! 

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Rusanda Panfili - Projects

Do you want to know more about Rusanda Panfili? You can find some projects below.

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