



Praised for having such a powerful and yet so welcoming warm sound, The Brazilian violist Amaro Dubois has approached his unique playing in many aspects in the classical music industry.

Mr. Dubois earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Violin Performance with a specialty in chamber music from the Brazilian Conservatory of Music in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. Also, from the University of Alabama, Mr. Dubois earned his Master’s Degree in Viola Performance, where he was granted a particular scholarship/assistantship for his studies. Amaro Dubois was awarded the Iris Orchestra Fellowship under the guidance and mentorship of the music director and conductor Michael Stern between 2019 and 2021.

Amaro has also being invited to participate in many masterclasses from renowned artists in the classical music world, such as Pinchas Zukerman, Elias Goldstein, Kate Hamilton, and many more. Mr. Dubois has joined professional’s orchestras around the United States of America, such as the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, the Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra, the Paducah Symphony Orchestra, the Mobile Symphony Orchestra, the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra. and more. He is an avid chamber music player and collaborator. In recent times, Amaro has collaborated with composers from Brazil and North America to record projects devoted to the essential classical musical for viola to expand the varied repertoire still unknown or not very much played in modern days.

Amaro Dubois has recently started a Duo with the marvelous collaborative pianist Tingting Yao. The Yao-Dubois Duo’s mission is to share compositions by underrepresented composers, including African American, Latin American, and women composers. The Duo is currently finalizing their first Album devoted to music by varied composers such Astor Piazzolla, Villa-Lobos, Rebecca Clarke, and more.

Amaro Dubois is exceptionally excited to share the news that one of his dream projects is about to come alive.  Preludes from Bach; that is the name of the newest Album by Amaro Dubois. He is recording all the Preludes from the Cello Suites by J. S. Bach, and the first part is already finished. Preludes from the Suite 1 and 2 go live on all major digital platforms this coming week. When not performing, recording, or teaching, Mr. Dubois enjoys spending his time with his wife and their son Levi. Amaro Dubois currently lives in Memphis, TN – USA.

"Don't be afraid of making mistakes but afraid of not fixing them"

Amaro Dubois


When did you start to get interested in music?

I started getting violin lessons at the age of 6 years old. Since then, I never looked back. At the age of 12, I was already very much interested in classical music and the wonderful world of this industry.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes but afraid of not fixing them.

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

Communicating and expressing my most raw and intense emotions through my music and touching people’s hearts is the absolute enjoyment I could ever have.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

Music has helped me immensely in not letting me give up in difficult moments in life. So many struggles that a musician’s life can bring, especially living abroad, but having music in my life inspired me always to take the next challenge and make it worth it. In addition to that, music comes from God, and God uses music to heal those who genuinely listen to it and us musicians.

What does music mean to you?

Music can be any noise we can hear. The thing is: how can we make that noise a little bit more listenable? Music, for me, is an art of sound that can express all types of feelings and emotions. One single line of music can change one singular life forever. That being said, music is essential; music is everything we got.

Who are your idols?

Jesus Christ. The best example one can have of humanity and love.

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

I like cars, and I like fixing my car; I like breaking it down and fix it up all again. I enjoy going for a nice ride, and I must say that I enjoy speeding up and listening closely to the sound from the motor.

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

I think musicians nowadays have more ways to find opportunities as an artist compared to 20 years ago. Yet, we have a lot more competition in the market now. Opportunities are everywhere. We need to diversify, think out of the box to see what the market is missing to claim our spot. As a new generation of artists, we need to be open-minded to learn and innovate our craft beyond the practice room; then, new opportunities will appear from places we didn’t expect.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

It is hard to believe in an idyllic life for an artist. There will always be difficulties in the way. We have to get all we can and learn from everyone, making it worth the struggle. However, a beautiful picture of an idyllic life as an artist would have to have the opportunity to share my music, interpretation, and vision of new compositions as long as possible. Also, teaching music beyond notes and rhythms to young students and helping them achieve their goals has been in my plans.

Amaro Dubois


Do you want to know more about Amaro Dubois? You can find some projects below.