Singer & Guitarist
Attih Soul - Bio
Attih Soul is a Barcelona-based singer, Songwriter, guitarist and vocal coach from Nigeria. With about 8 years Experience in singing, Attih Soul always leaves his audience amazed by his performances.

"If you never try, you'd never know"

Attih Soul - Interview
When did you start to get interested in music?
I loved music as a kid, but realized I wanted to do music as a career in 2016 after I lost my job. During that difficult period, the only thing that comforted me was music. After developing a very strong bond with music, I decided to do music more seriously.
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
If you never try, you’d never know
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
The part I enjoy most about music, would be the Soul. If a song or composition is written with lots of sincere emotions, it’s easy to connect and enjoy it. That is what I refer to as “The Soul”.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?
This is very true. Music has helped me survive some very difficult times and has helped heal/mend my broken pieces. I’d say music has helped me maintain a sane mental health.
What does music mean to you?
Music means everything to me. It is the one thing I can’t do without. Singing to people and watching them connect with my gift, opens me up to a lot of good energy and that’s something I would love to experience consistently.
Who are your idols?
I have quite a lot of Idols, but I’d mention a few: Jacob Banks, Anthony Hamilton, James Arthur, Ed Sheeran, Mariah Carey, Sam Smith etc.
If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?
If I didnt like music, I would have loved to be a Nutritionist/Dietician or a Professional Chef.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
I feel there are less opportunities for new artists because the industry seems to be overpopulated with artists, thus making it difficult for new artists to see the spotlight.
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
Having lots of live shows/tours (As I love connecting with my fans a lot), Coaching/mentoring lots of new talent. I would also love to be an award winning artist. All these would make me very happy and fulfilled.

Attih Soul - Projects
Do you want to know more about Attih Soul? You can find some projects below.