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Carbonaddy - Bio

Music has been something I’ve loved and written nearly my whole life. All through school I attended choir and artistry of some kind. I joined my first band when I was 18 and I’ve been pursuing a musical career since. I’m very grateful. If I’m not writing and listening to music I’m outside catching snakes and enjoying the beauty of nature. Music literally saved my life and I hope to do that for others as well. ~ Wesley Jensen


"Are you a Carbonaddict? Get help today"


Carbonaddy - Interview

When did you start to get interested in music?

Music has been something I’ve loved and written nearly my whole life. All through school I attended choir and artistry of some kind. I joined my first band when I was 18 and I’ve been pursuing a musical career since. I’m very grateful. If I’m not writing and listening to music I’m outside catching snakes and enjoying the beauty of nature. Music literally saved my life and I hope to do that for others as well. ~ Wesley Jensen

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Are you a Carbonaddict? Get help today.

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

I enjoy it all. It’s really something special to me when I’ve finished a song. I’ll play that shit on repeat for days.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

Music has saved my life. It is a source of healing and actuality when I am going through difficult times. It has become a strong place of expression for me and I hope to help others do so as well in whatever artistic way they speak. Become your best friend.

What does music mean to you?

Music is emotion. Energy in motion. Every song is like a vivid and descriptive message. It’s truly a universal language.

Who are your idols?

I have none. I only wish to become my greatest version of me.

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

I would like to be a therapist or some kind of health worker perhaps. I would also love to just live in a van and travel the world.

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

There are many opportunities but it has become flooded and overgrown. It’s much too difficult for someone to become a known artist simply because there are so many artists. You have to work 10x harder to get recognized from a large crowd. Shout out to independent artists!

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

A life similar to what I have now… but I would like to travel and have my own place to go home to during the holidays. I don’t need much.

I would love to travel and create a loving space for people to enjoy a little while. I want them going home and dreaming up their own pursuits.


Carbonaddy - Projects

Do you want to know more about Carbonaddy? You can find some projects below.