Frames is an indie-rock band from Central Illinois, who describe their sound as “power pop”. Consisting of Singer, Darcy Johnson, Lead Guitarist, Max Hutti, Bassist, Nathan Logsdon, and Drummer, Ellie Long; since 2019, they have been writing and releasing music together. Their newest tune, “peach pit”, has three awards in tow, for songwriting, engineering, and production.
Frames is most recognizable by their use of blunt and relatable lyrics that confess their real-life experiences.
In the end they’re just four hooligans trying to make it big in the music industry.

When did you start to get interested in music?
Darcy: I’ve always loved music, and I’ve known my whole life that i want to be a musician, and it’s because of our listeners that we get to do what we love
Logan: when I was around 8 years old, my parents gave me my first drum set, and that’s when I began taking lessons.
Nate: fifth grade guitar ensemble. I would always take my guitar home from school, not even to practice the songs I was supposed to, but to just learn and play more and more.
Max: when I was around four, I loved music then and I will love music forever.
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
Darcy: “fierce and sometimes crazy”
Logan: “failure is a great learning experience”
Nate: “funky dance moves”
Max: “give me $10,000,000 and I’ll play a solo”
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
Darcy: I love going into the studio and recording. Once we get the base of the song recorded, going in and adding finishing touches is so fun and really brings the music to life.
Logan: I love the fact that you can almost never play the same thing twice. Playing the drums teaches you how to act on your toes.
Nate: interacting with fans, it’s so special every time i get to talk to someone who has either listened to our music at a show or has streamed our music in any capacity. i love our fans; they definitely are the motivation to keep making more.
Max: I just simply love to shred. That is all.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects have your journeys helped you?
Darcy: writing really helps me organize my thoughts. Oftentimes, I find myself getting lost in my head, so finding short sections to condense my thoughts is really helpful.
Logan: this aspect has helped me appreciate the sound of music. Music is the act of expression and I have never thought about it that way until I began really starting to get into music these past couple years. Whilst playing the drums, it has began to show me how I can express my feelings through the way I play.
Nate: I frankly have become the person I am thanks to music, whether that be helping me learn more about time management and scheduling or becoming a confident person with a better personality, music has helped with all of that.
Max: when I have nothing to do, I play the guitar and it helps distract me from the mundane day-to-day.
What does music mean to you?
Darcy: it means liberation and beauty.
Logan: drumming is a form of expression for me
Nate: is everything a good enough answer? My art is such a massive part of my life and is something that I hope to continue for the rest of my days.
Max: music is a fraction of my life. I love playing guitar. It means more to me than i think words can describe.
Who are your idols?
Darcy: I’m the biggest Lizzy Mcalpine fan of all time I think. I love her writing style, and love her personality.
Logan: Jesus is number one! But also my parents for sure.
Nate: there are tons of talented bass players like Paul McCartney, john deacon, or john Paul Jones; and there are songwriters I look up to like Anson Seabra or Alec Benjamin who have all shaped the musician I’ve become.
Max: Metallica. Period.
If you didn’t like music what would you like to do?
Darcy: I’d probably try to be a business owner or something like that. I don’t know, I really can’t imagine myself doing anything else.
Logan: I would probably either be a businessman, or be an archeologist. I think that would be super cool.
Nate: I would probably focus mainly on aerospace engineering, which is what I’m currently going to school for.
Max: I’m not sure. I don’t know if I would like to do anything else.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
Darcy: I think there are more, but with more opportunities comes more competition. It’s a win-lose situation.
Logan: I think there is constant growth in artists but i also believe that there could become a shortage of opportunities because everyone wants to be an artist. More people are told that they can be an artist than engineers/producers so that throws off the ratio.
Nate: I feel that there are more ways to gain an audience by luck, whether that be TikTok, or YouTube, or other social media platforms, but with that comes a very large market to try to break into, sometimes it feels like you just have to wait your turn to blow up.
Max: way more. People can get famous on their phones now. i mean if that’s not opportunity, I don’t know what is.
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
Darcy: to have millions of dollars and a record label that doesn’t screw me over and be able to eat chicken nuggets forever. That sounds like a good life.
Logan: as an artist, my idyllic life would be less busy and no stress, but that’s simply not how this industry works.
Nate: to be able to make a living off of what i create and spread my music with anybody who cares to listen.
Max: living the rockstar lifestyle kind of like that one nickel back song.
Which are your upcoming projects?
Darcy: we’re working on a BRAND NEW song, I’m really proud of it and really excited for everyone to hear it.
Logan: we’re about to start recording a new song! Keep your eyes peeled for that.
Nate: there’s new music in the works, a new single called “s*******g***”.
Max: all I can say is stay tuned.

Do you want to know more about Frames the music? You can find some projects below.