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Paulina Sandan

Paulina-Sandan Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features

Singer & Pianist


Celebrity singer and pianist, performing at the royal Emirati events and the best venues of Dubai, included in Michelin guide. Best singer in UAE of 2020 by Most Fashionable award.

"You don’t have a second chance to make a first impression"

Paulina-Sandan Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


When did it all start?
By the age of 4 my favorite thing to do was putting the vinyl of the most popular Russian singer Alla and sing along with her using the hairbrush as a microphone. It was the performance for all the kindergarten. It was so much fun and I always got the applause as an appreciation. Since then I decided I’ll be a musician
If you were an advertisement, what would your slogan be?
You don’t have a second chance to make a first impression
What does your career mean to you?
My career is something that is with me all my life. It’s a commitment for a lifetime I believe. You cannot be a musician and next year stop being one. If you stepped this path, there’s no turning back.
What is your main motivation?
I believe that the best motivation for me is the great feedback from the crowd. The most precious is the energy exchange with the audience during the performance, so when the show is over, I leave the venue with the soul full of positivity and ideas of how else to impress them.
What is the part you enjoy the most? And the worst?
I’m from the city in Russia, where there’s very detailed and professional approach to everything from a to z during the performance. And the thing I miss here in Dubai the most is perfectly tuned sound and crystal clear sound of the equipment. So whenever I manage to make a perfect sound of my voice, it’s really the best feeling. Same is with the piano, if the instrument is really good, then the magic starts.
Who are your idols?
I would mention Michael Buble, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Kurt Elling, Robert Glasper, Michael Camilo, The Weeknd and Freddie Mercury of course.
In case you need a break in your career, what else would you like to do?
I don’t want to consider this option, but apart from music I like life coaching, brainwashing, psychology and stock market.
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
Definitely more, as the Internet can make you popular all over the world not even moving from your couch. It’s really great time for talented and creative people, soon there will be technologies to perform virtually anywhere only using your hologram, isn’t it impressive?
What would your idyllic life be like?
Well that depends 100% on the age we’re talking about. Now I almost reached my idyllic life, as I have almost everything. But in the future for the retirement I’d like to get a home next to Mediterranean Sea or something picturesque like lake Como, drink amazing wine or cocktail and not to worry about my shape.
What are your next projects?
My next project is to develop and upgrade the ones I already started. French and Italian projects are the most requested and efficient so far. Also would be fantastic to sing with the jazz big band here in Dubai one day. Let’s put it in my wishlist.
Paulina-Sandan Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


Do you want to know more? You can find some projects below.

Spotify Playlist