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Reagan To

Reagan_To Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features



Reagan To is 11 years old actor and dancer. The young artist loves performing and acting out new dances and characters. As the artist says “It makes me very happy to perform, and I love the feeling!”

Since Reagan was young, she told herself she wanted to become an actress, and she practices every day; And since She started dancing she hasn’t stopped. Reagan’s career took a turn when people started to recognize her. One day her parents found out that she was all over the Internet as the English voice of the “Red Light, Green Light” doll from Squid Game! The artist says she can’t wait to watch the show when she’s older.

"Go all out in everything!"

Reagan To Artenzza Magazine cover - Boost visibility for independent artists and promote music. Ideal for singers, actors, and PR professionals seeking to gain followers, self-promote, and highlight new singles, upcoming movies, new books, and Spotify playlist features


When did it all start?
It all started when I was just 5 years old! I was in the hospital for intensive treatments, and it was very scary. My parents stayed with me the whole time and never left my side. I was going in and out, but I remember I was watching TV. I got really inspired by it! When my mom asked me what I wanted to be when I recover, I told her that my dream is to become an actress! I still feel very grateful for my first role! I was on Jane the Virgin, and it was amazing to meet the cast! I was on set hanging out with actress Gina Rodriguez. She was very friendly, and she showed me a video of her Latin dancing! I was very surprised by how talented she was! That really inspired me, and I started to take my dancing very seriously after that. I still dance every single day, and that helped get me into dance competitions every month! I feel so blessed!
If you were an advertisement, what would your slogan be?
Go all out in everything!
What does your career mean to you?
I really enjoy performing! I learn a lot about the world from my work, and I try to put it all back in my work! I’m very curious, and I love trying new roles, voices, and dances! For a new performance, I think about how I am going to get into the role, and how I relate to the character. In a way, I always put all my stories and my life into my performance. My work means everything to me. Because when I look into my art, I see my whole life in it!
What is your main motivation?
That time in the hospital taught me a lot about life. The doctor told me it was really bad, and I think that stuck with me! Since then, I treasure all the opportunities and every moment in my life. That taught me to live and enjoy everything! And it helped me a lot with acting and dancing too. My story taught me to do my best in every audition and competition. I’ve thought before, I will never get a chance to perform because of my health. I think that really got to me. So now at every audition, I always give 100%. I treat every opportunity like I will only get it once in my life… just like my health.
What is the part you enjoy the most? And the worst?
I love performing new dances and acting out new characters! It’s very fun because doing a new role feels challenging! A new performance is a way to put my life into my work. It’s a way to tell my story through my art. It helps me stay curious, and that feeling helped me voice over 30 shows and movies! But every project still feels like I’m still booking my first role. And I always learn new things on set that I never saw before at the studio. I love hanging out with actors and dancers when we are not shooting. We get to relax and collaborate on more hilarious videos together! It’s so fun!
Who are your idols?
Wow I look up to so many actors and dancers, I can’t choose! I really enjoy watching Dove Cameron and I would love to meet and work with her! She has a great personality, and she seems very nice! I also dreamed about teaming up with actress Michelle Yeoh! After seeing her on Shang-Chi I’ve wanted the chance to act with her! She is so beautiful in the movie. Her moves reminded me of my dancing! Teaming up with her would be a crazy dream come true!
In case you need a break in your career, what else would you like to do?
During the pandemic, I was looking for something new! I wanted something that let me to enjoy the moment but also something I can share with my family. Then I found baking as the answer! It’s very relaxing when I get really into it! I find that I enjoy it as much as I enjoy dancing and acting. It was very hard at first when I kept messing up on my brownies. But then it taught me a lesson! It reminded me to fall in love with learning all over again! Because it was just so fun to mess up and keep trying until the brownies are perfect!
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
More! My mom helps me with Instagram and TikTok, and I love checking in with my fans! I feel very lucky to get messages from other actors too. It’s so sweet to see their support! When I see their amazing videos or dances on TikTok, it makes me want to message them! I’ve actually met other young actors and Asian dancers in this way! It’s amazing, because when we get together, we collaborate on a videos and dances. I see that it really excites my fans when I do these kinds of collaborations.
What would your idyllic life be like?
I’m just a kid! I still need to go to school! I don’t want to miss out because I know I still have a lot to learn. When I started modeling, I didn’t think that it would be so hard! There was a lot about photography, and I saw that I need to keep learning if I wanted to get better! So I asked my parents for a camera, and started to learn and teach myself! Practice is very important, and dancing in competitions taught me a lot about that! I think I also need to find some time for myself. I love being curious and trying new things! I love finding time when I can just play around with new performances, characters, and voices! On a perfect day, I love to spend my morning doing fun experiments, and then leave my afternoon to perform and collaborate with other actress and dancers!
What are your next projects?
I’m really excited to share my projects with my fans! I just finished more voice roles with Netflix, and it’s still an amazing experience in every role! I love reading about my characters from different cultures and places. I can’t talk about my next big project, but I promise to share all the news on my Instagram at @Reagan_To! I’m really excited to be part of an animation, and it is coming in 2023! I think every kid thinks about what they would look like as a cartoon character, so I’m very excited!

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