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Margherita Torretta - Bio

Margherita is an italian pianist and she is recognized as a great performer for her ability to perform Scarlatti’s keyboard sonatas, which she made her debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in 2016.
Margherita has given concerts in more than 20 countries in America, Europe and Asia,
Margherita interrupts the classical dance to devote herself to piano and music in old age, achieving with honors studies at at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan, at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano and at the prestigious Lake Como Academy founded by Martha Argerich. She is currently based in London.

Margherita Torretta

"Be yourself, always."


Margherita Torretta - Interview

When did you start to get interested in music?

I’ve been always interested in music since I was a child. I always had an old upright piano in my house as my mum used to play when she was little. Playing the piano wasn’t my main dream and ambition, but I’ve been always in love for all the genres of music like rock, pop, jazz and especially classical music.

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Be yourself, always.

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

I love to perform on stage, creating a wonderful bridge of emotions and feelings with the audience. The musician’s job is amazing for this reason: we can express what we have in our soul and heart. Sometimes it might hard as we are “nacked” in front a lot of people, but this the challenge of the beauty of arts.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

I’ve decided to practice seriously to become a professional pianist very late in my life. When I was 18 I survived a house fire and my body has been affected by that accident. I couldn’t walk for long time and to play the piano was the only thing I could do, so for me the music was totally therapeutic. Playing the piano saved me from depression, gave me joy, happiness and the possibility to rebuild myself.

What does music mean to you?

Making people happy. If I’m able to speak to people’s heart and make them happy, I feel that I’m doing the most beautiful job in the world.
For me music is life, and an amazing channel of communication.

Who are your idols?

My idols are first af all my friends and my family. If I talk about musicians who inspired my life I would say Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Clara Haskil and Vladimir Horowitz. From living musicians I would say Yulianna Avdeeva an Lucas Debargue. My teacher William Grant Naborè is also a very important guide for my career.

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

Ballerina or a fashion designer.

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

We are coming from a horrible moment where the Covid 19 destroyed dreams and changed the life of everyone. The world of arts has been affected very much with the cancellation of show, events, performances. Now things are getting slowly better but it’s still tough for the most part of artists. I’m struggling with this new situation and I really hope to come back to normality soon.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

I’m grateful to live the life that I dreamt. I found my personal way to express my art and my personality, being myself all the time without being afraid to show who I am and what I can do. This is the secret to build a beautiful, idyillic and autentic life.


Margherita Torretta - Projects

Do you want to know more about Margherita Torretta? You can find some projects below.