Scarlet Ayliz - Bio
Coming from just outside Boston Massachusetts, Scarlet lived in a town where she was singled out for not being cut from the same cloth as her teachers and peers. She was often looked down at for her differences, and that drove her to want to succeed in what gave her a voice that could not be silenced; music.
From then on she practiced her way from her hometown, into an arts school, to music camps, to training camps, and all the way to competitions where finally; a door was opened. She ran right through it and straight to her goals. Scarlet Ayliz is a seventeen year old star on the rise. She’s got passion, drive, and the need to succeed. Through hard work and dedication she’s been able to get herself from being just a high-schooler with a dream, into the studio; where she’s been able to work with some amazing producers, to create musical magic. Her music could change radio” says an executive at IHeart Radio.
She brings a nostalgia of the late Aaliyah, with a vocal range of all three Destiny’s Child members. The 17-year-old music artist “Scarlet” has been working hard in the studio on her debut album with executive producer Aaron Pearce (Justin Bieber, Jill Scott, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez). Along with her music, she also has a TV series in development.

"Stream The Rules by Scarlet Ayliz!"

Scarlet Ayliz - Interview
When did you start to get interested in music?
I started getting into music when I was old enough to formulate thoughts actually. I was always singing no matter where I was, and showed a passion for the art pretty early on in my life. My grandma told me that I used to wake up singing my Spanish ABC’s, which I’ve since forgotten, and it didn’t sound all too bad for an infant!
If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?
Stream The Rules by Scarlet Ayliz!
Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?
I enjoy when I get things right! I really love the feeling of finally being able to see what I’ve heard in my head being conveyed to other people, and I like it even more when they like the way it sounds as much as I do. Being able to share my music, and knowing others find comfort and relate to it makes me really enjoy the most.
Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?
Music has definitely helped me to learn how to speak up for myself, and it gives me a place to be vulnerable. I’ve always had issues with showing emotions. I come across stand-offish, and cold sometimes due to some defensive mechanisms I picked up throughout my life. Music gives me a place to show everyone who I am, and how I feel. It allows me to express myself, and to try and connect with others in a way that’s more difficult for me in any old regular conversation.
What does music mean to you?
It means my entire life. It’s what defines me as a person, and I’m really glad that I’m getting the opportunity to go for it as a profession! Music to me is stability, and a healthy way for me to express my deepest thoughts and feelings.
Who are your idols?
Beyoncé is one of my biggest idols vocally. Her dedication to her craft and her stage performance motivates me to do better. I also love BTS for their hard work and dedication to their music, and of course I adore Michael Jackson for every reason under the sun.
If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?
I would like to be an author, as I like to write!
Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?
I believe this question can have multiple answers, but I’ll say there are more opportunities for artists, but, not every artist is a singer/rapper. A lot more vocally underdeveloped, lyrically underdeveloped, and technically underdeveloped artists have been breaking onto the scene, and gaining massive success. This is due to either their ability to connect emotionally to their fans, their style being seen as something to be idolized, their personalities carrying most of the weight, or for their songs just being really catchy. Now, if we want to use the term artists to address people with only loads and loads of raw talent under their belt; no persona, no style, not social media presence…? Then I’m unfortunately going to have to say no. I believe our industry is dependent on those who socially and emotionally connect with their fans, not everyone who is well versed in the ways of music, lyricism, and stage performance can achieve that level of connection that some of these new artists can, and quite frankly; I’m not sure the industry is looking for someone who can’t really draw in a crowd easily.
I believe people flock to those they relate to much more than those that have an untouchable level of talent. And that’s fine, I can’t personally judge anyone for liking certain artists/singers that I don’t like because everyone has a different style, and everyone thinks differently. But in short, I believe that artists that lean more towards social media personalities are getting a lot more opportunities these days, and I wish them good luck and hope to see their growth in these years to come. I also can’t wait to see where in this world of entertainment I’ll find myself fitting in.
What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?
I would like to be an icon. It’s a long shot but I believe that if I put in the hours I can achieve it, just as many others can. I would like to be a renowned singer, song-writer, and some day maybe I’ll learn how to dance like some of my faves~ It’ll be a tough road to get there, but that would be my ideal life as an artist.

Scarlet Ayliz - Projects
Do you want to know more about Scarlet Ayliz? You can find some projects below.