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Shavvon Lin is a multi-talented asian actress, singer, lyricist, and developing screenwriter. Shavvon’s new single “Enough for Love,” a sensual ‘90s R&B-inspired track, drops on September 9th.

"Authentic, Original, Truthful"



When did you start to get interested in music?

When I was a kid, my parents fought a lot with each other. I often felt scared and hopeless when they got loud and angry at each other. I would start singing in my little bedroom, and that brought me to another world. In that world, I felt so safe and free. I think this was when I first built a deep connection to singing. Then I started writing my own melodies and lyrics around 15, so I could tell my own story too.

My first acting gig came from a quite random invitation when I was having lunch at the De Neve Dining Hall at UCLA, during my sophomore year there. An MFA student from our film school approached me and asked if I would play the female lead in his short film. I read the script and thought it might be fun, so I went. It was a similar or even more magical experience than singing when I got into the character and completely forgot about the surroundings. It also made me realize “wow, there is actually a job fitted for hyper-sensitive people in the world.” I’m someone whose emotions are often easily triggered by what I see and hear, and sometimes I wished I was not built like this.

Handling and managing high sensitivity can be very challenging in day-to-day life. However, when such sensitivity is lent to the craft of acting, it is so beautiful to see. And this helps me accept myself more too. I don’t feel as weird and unfitted in this world as I did before!

If you were an advertisement, which would your slogan be?

Authentic, Original, Truthful

Which is the part you enjoy the most about music?

The notion that someone hundreds of miles away from me might come across my song or film and connect to it always gives me chills and makes me shake my head in disbelief. Art connects humanity across language, politics, and culture. I’m able to converse with people that I never met in person through my songs and the characters that I play. It is such a privilege.

Most artists say that through their art they learn more about themselves, heal injuries… In which aspects has music helped you?

In every way. I’m my most authentic and truthful self when I sing and write. I can’t really be alive without writing and singing. And I mean it.

What does music mean to you?

Through my art, I express myself and communicate with other people. Art is the most comfortable way for me to communicate with the world. Art is just such a free and safe space for me to be truly who I am.

Who are your idols?

Favorite philosopher: Epictetus
Favorite acting styles: James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Ethan Hawke, Carey Mulligan
Musicians: My recent favorites are Jazmine Sullivan, Pink Sweats, and H.E.R.

If you didn’t like music, what would you like to do?

If I’m stuck or experience artist block, then I go out for a walk in nature, or play with my cat. When I feel recharged and relaxed, I will revisit the materials. If I finish a piece and don’t like it, I try to edit it, if it is a song or something I’m writing. But if I don’t like my acting in a finished film, then I may cry first (since I can’t go back and re-do my performance), and then move on to the next one…

Do you consider that nowadays there are more or less opportunities for new artists? Why?

I say more, as there are many more platforms for artists to access in order to present their art.

What would your idyllic life as an artist be like?

I’m currently writing an original TV show so right now, it would be “working on my own TV show with a team of amazing talents.”

Which are your upcoming projects?

I’m currently working on an R&B EP that will come out this year. It’s a very personal one and I really look forward to its release!



Do you want to know more about Shavvon Lin? You can find some projects below.